Sir: Congratulations To Charles Moore On His Excellent...
immigration policy. However, I feel that I should point out that the Monday Club has consistently taken the line, that Mr Moore has now taken up, for years. Yet we have been......
Letters Running The Race
Sir: It is a welcome surprise to see Charles Moore's plea for a more liberal immigra- tion policy on economic and demographic grounds (Another voice, 19 October). No Politician......
Sir: I Must Thank Charles Moore For Articu- Lating The
fears and concerns of many about British/EEC immigration policy by making it possible to discuss them honestly. The problem with the contemporary immigration phenomenon is that......
Sir: The Trouble With Immigration Policies As (partly)...
Charles Moore is that one does not know when they stop or start being proscriptive. He alludes to, but floes not state a position on, the Hong KOng Chi- nese, whose wealth and......
Pulling Rank
Sir: I can cap Dominic Lawson's story about his car and the police, (Diary, 26 October). In November 1989 my car was parked in Church Street, Chiswick, where I live and where......