2 NOVEMBER 1991, Page 42


If I knew what they wished me to say I would say it.

If! knew the right prayer for my case I would pray it.

Would they have me bear witness on knees in the street Like Christopher Smart? 'I'd as lief pray with Kit As with anyone else', grunts the Great Cham, But those days are gone, and the words to affirm.

If they set me a dangerous task I would do it (I hope), or a hoop, I'd jump through it.

These angels, not devils, I know, that beset me, Elusive as rainbows the problems they set me.

Their wings are the rainbows that beckon me on, To hear what I cannot hear, quite. They are stern: 'Write it down! However unlikely."What? Say it again.'

Like swallows they gathered, like swallows are gone. P.J. Kavanagh