Mr. Parnell delivered his weekly speech on Sunday, this time
at New Ross. It was noteworthy for a statement that assassination was "unnecessary and prejudicial," where the farmers were organised ; for a blank rejection of all concessions, such as the Ulster custom or fixity of tenure, which Mr. Parnell denounced as concessions intended to demoralise the movement; and for a definite proposal, the first made by the Land Leaguers. This is, that the tenants should obtain fixity of tenure for thirty-five years, should pay fair rents for that period, and should then be declared freeholders. Railway shareholders might as well be told that they should have dividends only for thirty-five years. The proposal, if even considered, makes Irish property worthless, without relieving the distress of this genera- tion, and it is difficult to believe that it is serious. We have discussed it elsewhere, but may add here, that while the Land League repudiate all sympathy with murder, the murder of Lord Mountmorres was not alluded to at the last weekly meeting, and no attempt is made to drive those who talk of " lead " out of the ranks of the party. If the Land League intend to appeal to insurrection, this is intelligible; but if they have any hope in Parliament, it is outrageous folly. They will rouse the British temper before they have done, and neither reason nor mercy will have a hearing.