David Armstrong ; Or, Before The Dawn. (blackwood And Son.)—
This is a clever story, in which we are hardly so much interested as we ought to be. This is partly because "Probation" and "Haworth's " have so recently demanded our sympathy......
Poetiiy. — The Defence Of Rome, And Other Poems. By...
(Macmillan.)—Mr. Myers has found a fine subject, and handled it worthily. The dactylic metre which he uses, and uses with no little mastery of its resources, has both melody and......
Columba. Parts I. And 2. By Mrs. J. Francis Foster.
(Satchell and Co.)—Here is a novelty in form ; a serial story, with occa- sional papers on subjects connected with it, brought out in very handsome style. It is too soon to......
Current Literature.
Latin and Greek as- in Rome and Athens. By the Rev. Francis M. Wyndham. (Sanford.)—Mr. Wyndham has written a very interest- ing little treatise on the proper pronunciation of......