We do not understand why, if Candaliar is to be
handed over to Abdurrahman, its evacuation should be so much de- layed. It is found impossible to collect any store of provi- sions, and the cost of maintaining 13,000 men to watch events must be as great as that of a small campaign. The troops will suffer in the winter, and the disgust of the Sepoys, which is so serious an element in the question, will be gravely increased. Surely Abdurrahman can detach a Sirdar with force sufficient to garrison the citadel, and orders to raise a small army among the Donranis, the dominant clan, whose head he himself is. The province has been obeying Cabal for years, and even if it proved refractory, what concern is that of ours? We ourselves intended at one time to separate it from Cabul. Every day we delay is evidence to the Afghans that Abdur- rahman has not recovered the whole country, and as they intend to recover it, they may in their impatience begin by killing him. The road to fame in Afghanistan is now to attack the English, and there are dozens of chiefs who, on the slightest chance of success, would risk everything for the chance of being considered heroes against the Infidel.