We have received copies of the sixth and seventh numbers
of the excellent Spanish monthly journal America-Latina, which (as we have more than once informed our readers) is distributed free of charge in Spanish-speaking countries with the object of disseminating the facts as to the attitude, assumed by the Allies in the war. The front page of the sixth issue shows a reproduction of the signatures to the Belgian Guarantee Treaty of 1839, and among the other contents we may mention an article upon the British Medical Service, a reprint of Mr. Lloyd George's recent speech to the Welsh miners, and an instalment of the Italian Green Book, which la being printed in full from month to month. The current issue contains a translation of Sir Edward Grey's recent reply to the German Chancellor's Reichstag speech and an article by M. Henri Lavedan upon "The Russian Soldier." We may refer those who are interested to the editor, Mr. Benjamin Barrios, 54 Gresham Street, E.O.