Sir Ray Lanhester's Weekly Articles In The Daily...
read with delight by many, and it is satisfactory that a third collection of them has now been issued in book form with the title of Diversions of a Naturalist (Methuen and Co.,......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude sulosequentreviete.] Anthropologists will be interested by Professor G. Elliot Smith's controversial monograph upon The......
Young Students Of French In England During The Last Few
years have had much cause for gratitude to Miss Jetta S. Wolff for her admirable little books of dialogue (Les Francais en Voyage, Les Francais en Menage, &c.). She has now......
Chikaranga Is A Branch Of The Bantu Family Of Languages,
and is spoken by the natives of Mashonaland, Southern Rhodesia. A Manual of the Chilcaranga Language has just been compiled by Mr. C. S. Louw (Philpott and Collins, Aberoorn......
It Is Always A Pleasure To Look Through A New
anthology, to se o which of our favourites have been omitted and which included, to read through familiar beauties once again, or to come unexpectedly upon an unknown gem. Mr.......
The Ramsay Family Settled In Scotland In The Twelfth...
having come originally, according to tradition, from Huntingdonshire. In 1232 King Alexander U. conferred upon Neis Ramsay, his physician, the barony of Bamff, with which place......