THE news from the Western front is much the most im- portant since the battle of the Marne. The prolonged bombardment of the enemy's trenches, which had continued for five weeks, pointed to the resumption of infantry attacks on a large scale, and the despatches received last Sunday from the French headquarters and Sir John French reported a general and successful advance in Artois and Champagne, with large gains, and captures of prisoners, guns, and war material. 'The British, advancing south of La Bass6e, pierced the German trenches on a front of five miles to a depth of four thousand yards, capturing the western outskirts of Hullueli, the village of Loos, and Hill 70. North of the La Basso Canal large enemy reserves were drawn in to resist the British attack, and positions were captured and retaken, but six hundred yards of the enemy's trenches were held. Reporting late on Sunday night, Sir John French was able to state that almost all our gains had been main- tained and others made at Hulluch, the prisoners amounting to two thousand six hundred, with nine guns and many xnaohine guns. Meanwhile the French had captured the whole of Souchez and advanced east to Givenchy.