Certain documents laid before the Germanic Diet are out of
date as matters of news, but they will fall among the materials of the historian, and they are not unimportant in reference to the ques- tion still mooted as to the sincerity of Austria. • The ludicrous, puerile transparent duplicity, of Prussia, is po- W . 'Woolly of less importanM thanit is psychologically amusing. M. Mantenffel excuses his Sovereign from entering 'into' closer co- operation with the Westert Powers, on. the plea that he will con- tinue to mediate between Russia, whose proposals are characterized as "unexceptionable," and the Western Powers, who are exhorted to consider, that however-strong may be the convictions, however advanced the preparations of -both sides, "they must both come precisely to-this—which of them will proceed to the end—which of them Will 'accept' conditions—which of them will define the re- quired guarantees ?" Prussian diplomacy emulates, in analysis Don Quixote on the pains of being thrashed, and Horace Smith's Mr. Smart on " the hvdrostatie principle." This note to the Prussian 'Minister in London only tells us that German mistiness subdued to the purposes of diplomacy is even sillier than we had supposed. . The corresponding note from Count Buol to. the Austrian Minie- ters in Paris and London tells how Russia has been answered, in a despateh pointing out, that while she accepted three conditions, she omitted all 'explanation on the fourth—the admission of the Porte to the equilibrium of Europe ; expresses the opinion of Austria that the attainment of the three 'other conditions might na- turally lead to the fulfilment of the fourth ; but agrees with the Western Powers in requiring that the evacuation of the Principalities, strategic points and all, shall precede the very'first move to any understanding. Courteous language to Russia is preservecif bnt, anlistantial concession" is made. Count Burs desPatch bdars clate:the 21st JUIy ; we have subsequently witnessed the exchange of notes between the Three Powers on the 8th Angust: 'these newly-published notes supply a link in the chain between thatlast .poblic act and the Vienna conference ; and they prove that the course of Austria, ilms thr, has been quite straight- -forward,-=-a fact iniportatt i estiniating present positions and future probabilities.