2 SEPTEMBER 1854, page 20
..'•i Military Gazette.
'OFFIcE op OltoNAsce, Aug. 28.-Royal Regiment Of - Artillery-Second Capt. Morris to be . Capt. Tice Leiing,e, deceased ; First Lieut, C. It. Mairratilling to , be" Second ("apt.......
• Tittrani Ettaniug5.
ENGLISH BEAUTY.—In whatever else London may be defective, it beats all other European capitals for female beauty. We had thought the women, tolerably ugly in Switzerland, but in......
On the 21st August, at Folkestone, the Wife of the Rev. H. Woodward, the Vicar, of a daughter. . - - -On the 93d, at Bellarena, county Londonderry, the Wife of Sir Frederick......