'OFFIcE op OltoNAsce, Aug. 28.-Royal Regiment Of-Artillery-Second Capt. Morris to be.Capt. Tice Leiing,e, deceased ; First Lieut, C. It. Mairratilling to ,be" Second ("apt. vice-Morris ; Second Lieut. E. A. H. Lloyd to be First Lieut. vice Ilainwaring. Memorandum-The date of the proffibtion of the under-mentioned officers has been altered to the 34.1 August 1354, viz.=-Seeoud Capt. 11. A. Thrupp ; First Lieut. ASS. G. itatirilten, Wen-oppier,, Sept. 1.-2d Regt- of Drags.-Capt. C. R. Colt, from Jodi-pay .21st.' Drags. to be Paymaster, -ice Antrobus, appointed Lieut. 8th Foot: 3d Light Drags.! -Capt. W. Watson, from halfpay/Ist Drags.-to be capt.: -repaying -th*,111 iffereacei vice Colt, who exchanges; Lieut. W. G. Draper to be Capt. by purehase,,:viceWate- son, who retires; -thirnet J. W. .1. Gifford lo be.ident. by pnrchaSe;vice.Draper; WI/ Ma Bell, Gent, tO be Cornet, by purchase,- vice Gifford..•'35th. Light Drags:- J. Graftfith, Gent.'tobe Assist.-Surg. vice Moline, uronioteri:on-the-Staff.-!Isto.Regt;of Foot-Lieut.-Col. R. W-. Huey, from half-pay 6th Foot, tobelleut...CoL- vice Brevet Cob A. Brown,, who exchanges-.. -4th Pont-eEnsign A; B.: St.-Clair, .frote the 10th, Foot, to be Ensign,. Without purchase: 5th Boot-H. Walpole; .Gentito.be:Ensign,, without purchase, vice•Burnaby, appointed to the Slat Foot., 1451i Foot-i-R.. Her-. man,. Gent. to be-Ensign, lay purchase. 18th Foot-E, I.: Dillon, Gent:- to be En- sign, Withotit purchase. 36th Foot-C. Hodgson, Gent, to beEnsign„withotit per.' 39th Foot-FL B. Newport, Gent. to be Ensign;:vvithout pm-chase; vice.Geddes, sp pointed to tile 27th, foot. Y. Lluyd Gent.:.bo be Ensign, 'without peitehase: 48th Foot-Ensign C. Y. Beartiish,--frum) the-1St West India Regt to he Ensign; 'without purchase. 53d Foot-eGalit fi,A-i-Widter, Irate the Ceylon Ride Regt. to be Capt. vice -Oldfield, who exchanges. ., 511.14- loot-Capt.: F. J. Griffin, from half-pay LI mitt. to be Capt. vice Dickson; +Who exehangedj 55th_Foot-Easign BireIrto be Lieut. without purchase, vice 4.1rigig,, deceased; Ensign T. Si. Ready to -be lAeuL,vrithbut purchase, vice Birch, whase:proitiotion,- on Aug.:11, has. been cancelled;: Ensign ness-to be Lieut.. hy,purchasoi vice -Rushy,. whose pro- motion, by purchase, on Aug...1E4'1ml ,been _canceled: . fffith,Fbot-..Ensign Monk, from the 79th Foot, to he Ensign; nice:De!INuterst,• who etchanges: 58115. Felot-..J..--Ilorner,- Gent, to be Ensign; -by pur. vice Lillingsttin;mhbretires.-Tolie EIY“ signs without purchase-P. Ridgwap; tieht. IL W....O'Dell; 'Gent.: 626 Foote-40-. be_Ensigos without purchaso-Co1our-Bergt,T1 Mason; from the 36th.Foot; Mead], Gent. 63d Foot-A. M.: Thinitiresq;:Gent. to .be Ensign; without-pur., chase, vice' Talbot, promoted in.thedtifle Brigade; '66th Feta- Lieut.-C.:W. Aylmer • to be Capt. :by purchase, -vice Serimold, also retires:, 724 Foot-.Ensign to be -Lieut, without purchase-'•Ensign A. S. Cameron, to be Lieut.. by. purchase, vice Alison,: whose prinuotirin, list purchase Aug. 48, hasbeeneancelled.: 76121 Foot- -J. A. Palliser, Gent. to -be Ensign, by *nal:rase: .79th Toot-Ensign IL J. De', Carteret, from the 56th.Foot,- 'to be-Eiteign-, vice-Mank;wlib eachangee... 8058 Foot' -Ensign- M.- Turner, from half-pay of *lid Sidifiam Regt, to. beEnsign; iteithot purchase. To be Ensigns by purchase-W. G. Trevor, Gent.; Hugh B. B. L. Gower;% Gen Lvice Turner, who retires. To beEnsign, witlfout purchase-, F. F. G odd ard, Gant. 82,1 Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. J. As :Robertson to be Lieuti-eol. by purchate, vide' Maxwell; who retires; -Brevet td-ejoe. -13. Watson to be:Major, by purchase, vise, Robertson ; 'Lieut. J. -Gordon tobeiCapL hy purchase, vice- Watson • Ensign C.:E:f G. Browne to be Lieutly purchase, _vice Gordon,..1I. D. Marsh, Gent, to be Bm•i- sign, by purchase, vice Broltne. 85th Foot-:=Lirt;t:' II. G;Ilooper to be Capt.'by, purchase, vice liaviland,- who -retired; J. MiGiant; Gent. to -be Ensign, witheet-, purchase: • 91st Foot=-Lieut. J.-Bruce to be .Capt.lbylturchaSej via Warren; wbab retires; Ensign Dobie to he LieuUbypwrchase, -1,31ce,13rtieel,,T,,Green, Gentla to be Ensign, by-purchase, vice Dobie:- 98th ,Foole-,1Aesst.4.55415. Kingsley tee* Adjt. vice-Brown whare1igns.theAdjubm4ear8re:0,') , Bd West India!Regimeattfo_be EuSignspbyptiabstelqa-KolviandiVellteikeS Carson; .who retires;. :We IL- Idttllinet;Getat-dvine,WetstrojkronnIlleilij .1 I. ; 1 - ,..)11;',11/1, 'U., 9.
ceylon RidteRegt.-Capt. M. 11. Oldfleld, from the 53d Foot, to be Capt. vice
waster, Wife eXelsanges, Depot Battalion at Parkhurst-Capt. II. A. Welman, from the 4th Foot; to-be,
Aesietent-ottift. a'.
staff-Capt. E. J. Dickson, from half-pay Unatt. to be Staff Capt. to command dais-emote and poneioners M the Isle of Man. • , Hospital Staff-To be Assistant-Surgeons to the Forces-A. Stretton, Gent.;. F... Collins, M.1-1.4 H. Grange, Gent.s J. •le Erskine, M.D. ; I; C. Smith, Gent.; W. 1'. palicaogns,.Gent.4 ffis_Wffliantson. M.B.; T. Dolan, Gent.; D. Cullen, M.D. sice de Chaumont, appointed to the Depot Battalion at Parkhurst; A. Johnaton, vice aPNeece, appointed to the Depot-Battalion at Weimer; R. W. Meade, Gent. vice
Guthrie, appointed to the Depot -Battens:es at Winchester. Tis he Apothecary to
tee Forces-J. Gems Brevet- Capt. W. Watesons of the. 34. Light Drag. to be Major in the Army; Brevet Major W. Watson, of the 3d Light Drags. to be Licut.-Col. in the Army; ewe G. ljeat,-of the /loyal „Engineers:to be Major in the Army.