In the intervals of substantial intelligence, the telegraph as the ad- vantage of multiplying subjects, by giving each one fact many foeine, not omitting direct inversion of fact. Among the telegraphic aneoencements yesterday was a statement, transmitted from Constantinople on the 24th of last month, that Marshal St. Arnaud had Summoned a council of war, at Varna, "to decide upon the expediency of the great expedition, consider- ing the state of health of the troops." Constantinople is a regular manu- factory of reports, and this one avails for twenty-four hours. It seems, too, collaterally to confirm stories about discontent among the troops at inaction, and disunion among Lord Raglan's immediate subordinates : topics which can much moralized. Butstoday, it will be seen below, the telegraph turns the subject right over, announcing positively, specifi- cally, and "officially," that Marshal t. iirnaud was to set out from Con- stantinople at a particular day, to meet the troops on their arrival at their destination.