Tuesday, August 29.
PARTNEBSIIIPS DissotvEn.,-Ferguson and- Muschanio, Wareham, Dorsetshire. chemical-mannfacturers-Hunt and Co., New Kent Road, stationers- Hall and Wileon. Manchester, ironmongers-Cox and Score, St. George, Gloucester, vitriol-manufacturers .W. and IL Roebuck. Iludderefield, cotton-warp-manufac- turers -Hanson and Co. St. Martin's-le-Grand, warehousemen ; as far as regards J. Smith-Bennett and Naylor, Oxfordffitreet, ironmong,ers-Ertnen and Edge's. Man- chester. merchants; as far as. regards P. A. Ermen-Franklin, Brothers, Chapel Street, Islington, butchers-Tourney and Tinker, Bridge House Place, Newington Causeways- steam-wheel-inanufacturerss-As.hdoWn and Oates, -Piccadilly, gas-fitters -Curpey and Quirk, Douglas,.Isle of Man, grocers-Molynenx and Keogh, Liver- pool, cotton-brokers-Fuge and Davis.-St, John's Street Road, mineral-water-ma- nufacturers-Mills and Co. Wordsley, Staffordshire, glass.manufacturers; as far as mortis T. Webb-Cane and Stapleton. Manchester, estate-agents-Orchard and Co. Wheatsheaf Yard, Farringdon Street,• typerfacers; as far as regards E. Willis,- Hickman and Co. Rowley Regis, Staffordshire, iron-masters ; as -far as regards J. Stones.
BANKRUPES.-JAMESISIARTIN, Maidstone, hatter, to surrender Sept. 7, Oet. 20 : solicitor, Hughes; St:Switbin's Lane ; official assignee, 'Whitmore, Basinghall Street - GEORGE HARRIS DE Rusin-is Birchin Lane, merchant, Sept. 7, Oct. 20 : solicitor.
Mooreate Street ; official assignee, Carman, Aldermanbury- CHARLES La- ver, Fly, ironmonger, Sept. 8, Oct. 13: solicitors. Reece and Blyth, Sergeant'a Inn ; official, assignee, Cannan, AlderinanituryClIAlitES LORD, Fleet Steet, tailor, Sept.- 7_, Oct. 20 : solicitor, Stroughill, Coleman Street ; offieial aseignee, Canine, 'Alders' maubury-Jows EDWARD ItsansonE, Threadneedle Street, dealer in mining-shares, Sept. 14, Oct. 13 : solicitor, Webb, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Carman, Alderrnanbury-SAmtEt S5iTER. Bnerloy Jihl. Staffordshire, iron-founder„ Sept. 15, 21: solicitor, Wrights, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitinore, Birmingham- Jsurs Ressm.Lougtou, Staffordshire, grocer, Sept. 9, 29: solicitors, Clarkes, Long- ten ; Motteram an tilight,'Birtningbara e official assignee, Christie, Birmingham - PHILIP ,PA.109.JorqumOoriging-house-lreeper, Sept. 7, .Oct. 5 : solicitor, Stogdon, Eider; Official assie,nee, Ilfrtzell; Exeter-Joirst Harmsen, liudderefield, wine- merchant, . Sept. 11„ . Oct. 13 : solicitors, Sykes, Huddersfield; Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assignee. Hope, Leeds -HOBERT Stuns, Sheffield, grocer. Sept. 9, Oct. 14: solicitor, Fmtell, -Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield-JAMES LARTENCESON, Blackpool, Laneaehire, innkeeper, September 14, October 5.: solidi-, tor, Richardson, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire ; official assignee, Bird, LiVerpbol- Jone WHI1E, Ou-isski,k, Lancashire, builder, Sent: 12, Oct. 2: solicitors, Forshaw, Lis erleml ; Welsby, Ormslsbls ; official assienee, Carenove, Liverpool-WAtvEn. G ea- nem, Blackburn, draper, Sept. 12, Oct. 3: -solicitors, Coltbett and Wheeler,alauclies- ter ; •BaCkhouse, BlacTibuin ; official assignee, Putt. Alanchester-Tuomas Lieer-. Foor,StsackpertariactsesSelit. 8, 28: Solicitors, Partington„ 31ancheiters Bolten, and Co: London ; official aisi.inee, Pott, Manchester-Ps:reams FeneEtt and Joust. Gaweirus, Manchester, builders, Sept. 8, Oct. 4: solicitors, Blair and Parry, Man- chester ; official assignee, Pat, Manchester-sWILLI.W1 Ilos.mins,' Manchester, mer- claiit, Sept. 13, Oct. 4: Solicitors, Atkinson and Co. alan'ehestiir ; official assignee, Fraser, Maneheeter-sGeonoe IteeLteo, Manchester, victualler, Sept. 13, Oct. 3: solicitors, Boole, and Eltoft, Manchester ; Mower, London ; Jaques and Cg. London official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DIrtneries.-Sept. 20; Holden junior, Horsham; ironmonger-Oct. 20, Dirchinall, Tither-me:ton, Cheshire, cetton-spinner- Oct. 3, Wormald, tIlussop, shoemaker- Oct. 6, Bawling and Cu. Manchester, emeriers-Oct. 12, Feirbourn, prestoa, grocer -Sept. 21, Peer, 'Manchester, merchant -Oct. 14, Roberti, Stratford-upon,Avort, budge- Oct. .14, Gibbs, Eceleshall, Staffordshhre, grocer-Oct. 7, Anstey and Wal- tori;Birmingliam, drape rs.
CEnnuarArs.'i-Ws i.e praided, unless cayte Sc sharers to Me contrary, on the day of meetiust -Seg. 20, Sulinnoia Circus, alinories, shipowner-Sept. 20, Fowler, Aber,_ gatenny, grocer - Sept. 30,1I,ope,, huridey, grocer-Gets 2„ Rawling, al anchester, currier-Sept. 28, Fairbenr0, 'Presteite kroopr,--ylet., 12, alkillinson, Brierley OHL Staffordshire.- launtemennfaaturer-Oct. 9, ,Rubbra, Dedley, grocer -Oat. 9, T. and S. Archer„Birrelems Staffordshire, tailors-Oct. 10, turrewe, Leicester, tailor. Searca,Beesteareseqose.- Jamieson, Glasgow, stock-broker„ Sept, 7-2,Palillan, Kilmarnock, calico-printer, Sept. 8.
Friday, September 1. , .
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Campbell and Co. Panama, merchants-Campbell and Co. Liverpool.; merchants-,-Hearne and Jackson, Great Charlotte Street, -Blackfriars Roads fixtureSelealem-Castle •and Rickarlay, Oxford, linen-drapers..Cavaliero and' Goddard, Blennield:Street, lexchange-brokers-Stacey and Co. Sheffield,"square- bladesinanufacturerst; at far as regards J. Dammas-G.. anti W. Collins, North. Wharf Roed,--Paddieritnn, nfllarfinterS-.4. and I). liceshair,.-Bramley, Yorkshire, stonettrierchantsl-Wti,alitsand 'Co. Burnley, e.awyers-Matber and Whalley, Fern- worth, Lancathire, cotton-manufacturers- Bradbury and Co. Lcuagton, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufaeturers-Hobbs and Co. Cheapside, locas-nianufacturers ; as far as regards E. Foctescue-Brewer and Co. Manchester, drysalters and Co. • Ilart-Street, Mark-Lane, merchants; as far as regards B. P. Danielse-Cavrley and• Capper, Ashton-under-Lyne, linen-drapers-Greenham and Carr, Liverpool, stock- brokers-Tubb and.ettAritt Street, St. George's Fields, brewers-Dunhill and King, Sheffield, coaeltsproprietorsAldin and Harris, Pimlico, buildera-Bovill and Witlesta„Southampten,sirquemerchants; astfar as regards S. Bovill-Tattersall and Co. Bollard, eitachine-makers.-S. end W. Standing, -Osborn Street, Whitecliapel, iren-foundets-Wondlitead and Co. Leeds, tool-manufacturers; as bras regards 11. Berry s'Smith and Om afold.-Oren, drysalters.'.Na)lor and-Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, weavers; as far as regards J. Tetley and W. Jennings--Milward and Singleton, Sir-
miligham, jewellers-Blebandson and Co. Rochdale, bleachers. • .. -
.BANneekrti.-J011t4 DODDRIDOE Hureetteras, New Wharf Road, Caledonian Road, engineer, to; surrender Septs14. Oct. 20 : --solicitors, Morris and Co. Moorgate Chem- beret -offirialaseigtiers 'Whitmore, Basinghall Street -CH111570111E11. AtnEasox, WhitehalITerlace, Lower.Tottenbam, grocer, Sept. 14, Oct. 27: solicitor, Strong, Irwin Street; offieiallassignee, Whitanore, Basinghall Street-Wilms/or Jong NOW- mAterter,xj Seymour-Chambers, Duke Street, Adelphi, 'commission-went, Sept. li, OcL 12: sislicitorssStevenson and Ley, Victoria • Street, Holborn Bridge ; official assignee, Grabens, _Coleman .Street-PnEnenzon LanonAN, Wolverhampton, drug- gist, Sept. 15, Oct. 6 solicitor, Hayes, Wolverhampton ; official assignee, Bit- tlestou; Birminghat-Tannus Goonwontn JAORSON, Goole. Yorkshire, joiner, Sept. 19, Oct La: solicitor"; &Inter, Leeds:, official- assignee,-Hope,- Leeds-Jonx Litainisorts Huddersfield; wineemerohant; Sept.1/. Oct. 13: sclicitorn; Sykes, Hud- dersfield; Bond and _Barwick, Leeds; „official assignee, Hope, .Leeds-Ennum .MAw, deacoinbe, Cheshire, iron-founder,Sept..13, Oct. 6.: solicitors, Beans and Son, Liver- pool;' official assignee, Ttunets Liverpool---Rottenx Buooxs, 'Blackburn, draper, Sept. 13, Oct. 4: solicitors, Seib and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Man- , lawineatlxs.-BepL 26, Sabsthill, Tooley Streets French-burrsmercbant-:-Sept. 28, • pekes, -Bath-Etastbn. Somersetehire, clothier.-Sept. 26, Casteili,' Bury Court, St. Stacy Axe, meechento-Sdpts416,, Thsvaitek Addle Street, warehouseman-Septi26, "Yates; Finsbury and -,Vehistnioreland wharfs, City Roadi tiniber-merchant-Sept. 28, Anderson, l'avement,Slineb-draper-sSept. 26, Pickering, Piccadilly, bookseller- , Sept. 26, BensIsysconlwall Cottage,Hornsey Road, builder-Sept. 25,,kadrid, Wits - tMy, Oxfardshiret grocer-Sept 25, Bates'and Ditchman,Addleffitreet, straw-plait- dealers-Sept 26.. Bland; Fen -Court, insuranee-broker-effiept. 22, Ashley, Man- . cheater, smallavitresmannfactUrerSepts 22; Walton, Macclesfield, Silk-manufacturer. .10rderiplea.2101.--To 'heocuated,imleSs cantle be shoals La the contrary 07r the day of theeting.—Sept. 23, Chaffer, Commercial Road, Pimlico, builder-Sept. 26,'Spashett, Bstkitig. rtaaatsneaked-Stpte26S-Thwaitis, Addle Streit, warehouseman-Sept. 25, A. and I W. CriedthOui,51, St'reet„..-blewington.Bdits,i upholsterers-Sept. 25,. Caffall, Ricksmanworth, Hertfordehire; auctioneer-Sept. 25, Swallow, Maidenhead, corn-inert bent -Sept. 12, Bolton and Se iodate' Greentield Works, tiolywell, Flint- shire, spelter-manufacturers-Sept. 28, Pratt, Itlanchester,. hook.aeller---Oct. 13, Hartley, Tranden, Lancashire, Matton-manufacturer. Semen SEGEORSTRATIONS.-Lawrie and Thomson, Whiteinch, Glasgow, engineers, Sept. 7-Stevenson, Edinburgh,' commiseion-agent, Sept. 1h—Drummond, Glasgow, merchant, Sept. 11-Tait, GilMerton,.baker, Sept. 11.