More English Militia have arrived at Dublin—six hundred of the Northamptonshire Regiment ; a fine body of young men, as yet in rather a rough state.
The health of Dublin continues good, and no eases of cholera are reported. Dr. Dillon, a medical inspector under the Poor-law Commissioners, who has charge of nine counties in the South, says there never was so small an amount of sickness in his district. In the North, unfortunately, the ravages of cholera are extending.
The Cork Assizes were brought to a premature close last week, by the ill- ness of Chief-Baron Pigott, who had been suffering from a cold for some days. He is recovering.
Private Tremble, of the Fifty-seventh Regiment, has been tried by Court- martial at Limerick for striking Lieutenant Woodall ; an offence punishable with death. He pleaded guilty ; but also pleaded that he was drunk when he offended, and that he had no ill-feeling against Lieutenant Woodall.