On the 15th April, at Cyfarthfa Castle, Glamorganshire, the Wife of Robert Thompson Crass-May, Esq., of a'son. Orathe Lith, at 4, Lower Grosvenor Place, the Wife of Sir G. Colthunst, Bart., of a daughter.
On the 21.:t., on board H. AL S. Perseverance, in Cork Harbour, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Burmester, 59th Regiment, of a can. thi the at Wilton House, the Wife of the Bight Hon. Sidney Herbert, of a daughter.
On the 23.1, at Ormiston, East Lothian, N.B., the Wife- of Lieutenaut-Colouel Clephane, of a daughter. On the 21th, at Lavender Sweep, Wandsworth, the Wife Of Toni Taylor, Esq., of a SOIL
On the 25th, at 138, Piccadilly, the Lady Adelaide Ctulogati, of a son. On the 2.ith, at Middleton Tyas, the Wife of the Ildn. A. C. Orde Powlett, of a daughter.
On the 7th of A pill, at St. David's, Exeter, Colonel H. H. Lloyd, fourth son of the late R. It. Lloyd, Esq., of Gwerclas, county Merioneth, to Caroline, second daughter of the late Henry Banhato Harris. Esq., of Bryanston Square, London.
On the 2551,. at James's, Piccadilly, by His Grace the Archbishop of York, the • Rev. Ed waial W. L. Davies, Vicar of Adlingfieet, anditural Dean of Selby, Yorkshire, to Phillis, w:-1.1t- of William Skieving, E;q., and second daughter of the late Tho- mas King, Esq., of the Manor House, North Builds, Devon. On the 20th, at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, Lieut.-Col. Francis Haygarth, Beets Fludlier Guards, eldest son of the late William Haygarth, Esq., to Cecilia Blanche flo. mi. Seymour, second daughter of the late Colonel the Right Hon. George L. Itiwaon Darner.
On the 25th, at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, lit. Leonard's-on-Sea, Lionel S. Beak, M.B., F.B.S., of 61, Grosvenor Street, London, to Fanny, only clatia,hter of Peyton Blaki4on, M.D„ F.R.S., of St. Leonard's-on-Sea.
On the 26th, at St. Mary's Church. Bryanston Square, Belkley J. Mackworth Plated, R:q., to Easily Maria, third daughter of the late William Facie, Esq., of the Bengal Civil Service. On the 23,h, at Ashford, Kent, by the Lord Archbishop- of Canterbury, the Rev. Augustus Pear-man, M.A., Vicar of Bethersden, to Caroline Hannah, only daughter of the Rev. John Price Alcock, M.A. Vicar of Ashford, Rural Dean, and one of the six preachers in Canterbury Cathedral. On the 27th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Brevet-Major James Duff, of the Twenty-Third Royal Welsh Fusiliers, to Mary Laura, daughter of Edward James Dawkins, Ea'. On the 27tli, at St. Gabriel'a Church, Pimlico, Scipion Filippi, Viscount de Tabj, of.Westbouree Place, Eaton Square, to Jane Anna, youngest daughter of the late Lieut.-Col. Ilent-y Broome, of her Majesty's Tweedy-second Light Dragoons.
On the 28th, at the parish church, Kersall, Manchester, Sir Kingsmill Grove Key, Bart., of Streatham, Surrey, to Louisa, fourth daughter of the late Joseph Aemetroug, Esq., of Manchester.
On the 3,1 on board the Ncutisis steam-ship, on his return to England, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles F. Seymour, of H.M. 84th Regiment, eldest surviving son of Dr. seymour, of Charles Street, Berkeley Square; aged 38. On the ISth, at the Palace, Armagh, Harnett Susan Isabella, the beloved wife of George Dunbar, E.-at , of Woburne, county of Down, and niece of his Grace the Lord Primate.
On the lath, at his residence, 36, Clarges Street, Mayfair, after a long illness, Henry Daniel, Esq., af.D., aged seventy-five.
On the 21at, at 8, Sion Place,Sloa Hill, Bath, Lieutenant-Colonel Percy. Pratt, in his sixty-fourth year.
On the 21st, at his residence, in his fifty-ninth year, William Marshall, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. William Tegg and Co., publishers, Queen Street, Cheapeide.
On the 22d, in his fifty-third year, Arthur Vansittart, Esq., of Shotteshrooke, Betts, and Footsel ay Place, Kent. On the 23d, at 2, Ebnry, Street, Chester Square, the Hors. William John Pym Gore.
On the 24th, at Leamington, Miss Jane Carnegie, third daughter of the late Sir David Carnegie, Bart. On the 21th, the Rev. John Ashley, Rector of Teversham,•and Canon of Ely Ca- thedral, aged eighty-one. On the 25th, in his fifty-first year, at his residence, 15, Gibson Square, Mr. G. C. alechi, only brother to Mr. Alderman Slechi. On the 26th, at Hastings, in the sixty-first year of her age, Elizabeth Jervis, wife ofl3tanky Pipe Wolferstan, Esq., of Statfold, Staffordshire.
On the 27th, at his residence, St. John's Lodge, Regent's Park,. after a long ill- ness, in-his eight-second year, Sir-Isaac. Lyon Goldsmid, Bart., P.R.S., Baron de Goldsmid, of the kingdom of Portugal.