The Gravity Of The Moment Is Marked By A Cabinet
Council which was held yesterday in Downing Street. We have some reason to surmise that the report of an alliance between France and Denmark will prove to be incorrect. It is......
We Are Informed By Our Shipping Friends That Lloyd's Were
on Friday charging war risks on insurances, also adding four additional clauses to already existing stipulations. Trading operations suddenly collapsed towards the end of the......
SATURDAY AFTERNOON. We have already explained what we believe to be the truth respecting the relations between France and Russia,—relations calculated to give no just umbrage to......
The Text Of The Reply Of Count Cavour To The
Austrian ultimatum has been published. It is brief, dignified, and courteous. The chief pas- sage is as follows- " The question of the disarmament of Sardinia, which constitutes......
Two Metropolitan Elections Were Begun And Two Were...
day. In the City of London the four late Members were returned with- out opposition. Mr. Richard Martineau proposed, and Mr. Leaf seconded Sir James Duke. Mr. W. G. Prescott......
The whole Militia of the United Kingdom, so saith the Morning ?oaf, is to be embodied forthwith. This statement has not yet been confirmed or denied. The Board of Admiralty has......