The gravity of the moment is marked by a Cabinet
Council which was held yesterday in Downing Street. We have some reason to surmise that the report of an alliance between France and Denmark will prove to be incorrect. It is said that a Russian army 60,000 strong has crossed the Dneiper, and is posfed on the Galician frontier.
Throughout the week we have had reports of the advance of the Aus- trians; one, circumstantial, giving the names of the generals, the strength of their corps, and the names of the towns they had occupied in Piedmont. Then it was stated thst the Austrians had halted at the request of the English Government ; where was not stated. Next, we learnt from Turin, that, up to Thursday night, the Austrians had not crossed the Ticino ; and our own Paris advices gave this report a posi- tive confirmation.
The Piedmontese army, it is believed, has deserted the country on the left bank of the Po as far as Chivasso, where they have a bridge, and is in cantonments between Turin and Novi, behind the curve of the Po, and flanked by Casale and Alessandria. They were thus in communica- tion with Genoa on the right of the line, and the passes of the Western Alps on the left ; and therefore in communication with France by land and sea. In their rear is the strong mountain country lying in the angle formed by the Maritime and Western Alps. They have thus taken the position which we anticipated last week ; covering all the roads whereby France c,an send forward reinforcements.
The Austrian Correspondence of yesterday states that the Grand Duke of Tuscany has gone to Bologna, " his army having fraternized with the revolutionists" ; and that the population of Massa and Carrara has revolted and established a Provisional Government. In eonclu-
aion, the article says that Austria must therefore draw the sword, is order to maintain European order.
This statement of the Austrian Correspondence leads us to extpect an immediate movement of the Austrian troops either into Tuscany air across the Po : probably in the latter direction. The news in Paris 1 t night confirms this view.
The Moniteur, under date Florence, 27th April, gives the f owing account of the militay insurrection in Tuscany.
"The Grand Duke of Tuscany called together the diplomatic corps today, and annopnced to them that having charged the Marquis Lajatico w th the formation of a new Cabinet, that nobleman and his friends had de ended the Duke's abdication, and that not wishing to abdicate and being d rted by his troops he had resolved upon quitting Tuscany with his fa y. During the whole day the soldiers and the populace have been running
about the town singing patriotic airs, and shouting, Viva Italia ! Vivo Francis ! ' but public order has not been disturbed. This evening at elk
o'clock the Grand Duke left for Bologna, attended by an escort of ho. The provisional government is temporarily composed of MM. Pernikte....,zi Sanzani, and Malenchini. General Ulloa, who will take the commtnidsfif
the troops, is expected tomorrow." ".1Jo