The good folks of Birkenhead are endeavouring to get up a Rifle Club. They think that if they raise three hundred men the Queen will give the "Wirral Rifle Club " her patronage.
As Captain Morgan, son of Lord Tredegar, was walking in the streets of Hay, he heard a cry of " a horse run away," and saw the folk in the mar- ket-place getting put of the brute's road. The horse, dragging a gig con- taining a lady and gentleman, dashed up at a gallop. Captain Morgan did not run away. Instead of that he ran at the flying horse, and seizing the reins, stopped him in full career. Thus were two lives saved by as gallant an act as any performed in war.
The sojourn of Sir Edward Lytton at Malvern, although very brief, hasbeen sufficiently beneficial to justify the assurance of his medical advisers that repose, with strict avoidance of cold and late hours, are alone needed for his complete restoration. As Sir Edward has been enjoined to abstain as much as possible from business, his attention is necessarily, confined to the more urgent affairs of his department ; but it is doubtful whether in the short time that will elapse before the meeting of Parliament, Sir Edward's health will be sufficiently restored for him then to resume the combined fatigue-of Parliamentary and official life.—fforning Herald.