Swett. ExeRANois, FiuDAY ArrEssioon.
The Stock Exchange has this week been the scene of the most fearful and disastrous panic ; such a degree of excitement has probably never been wit- nessed—a fill of 6 per cent in Consols, and 8, 10, 20 per cent in Foreign Stocks, with a preportionate decline in Railway Shares, has caused the fail- ure of no less than forty-five Members of the House, and it is feared several others may yet follow. Turkish Stock has suffered the greatest depreciation, the extreme fall within a fortnight reaching as much as 30 per cent. The- dealers were seized with perfect fright, and although the utmost interest was offered in many places, continuations were steadily refused at any rates ; the consequence has been the suspension of several jobbers who could other- wiie have paid in full. It had been arranged to close the Stock Exchange on Saturday, but the news from the Continent received late on the previous Thursday caused a large number of brokers and dealers to assemble in the Royal Exchange, who were ultimately admitted into the House, when bargains in Consols were effected at a decline of .f.per cent, but which were of course not "offi- cial." On. Monday the panic commenced, and sales were pressed upon the market uninterruptedly till Consols were done at 93—the final figure. On Tuesday the fluctuations were extremely severe--Consols were 92/, when, upon rumour that Austria had intimated an intention to suspend hostilitiedfor a fortnight, a sudden advance occurred to 941; this price, however, was not maintained.after regular hours, and on Wednesday morn- barthe treaty alleged to have been entered into by Russia and France produced a fall again to 911 92-before business hours they had been offered at: 91 ; the market then went steadily up to 92/, but a statement that France had now declined to accept the mediation of England, a reaction took place, and Consols were late in the day done at 90f, Seven failures Were announced during the day, adding to the general groom. Yesterday, again, an 'additional serious decline was established—the market opened 85 90, there being at one time sellers at 881. The finetuations during the day were most serious, from 881 to 891, back to 89, up to 90, and again to 89/, the last offered after buiineiii hours. Eighteen members were declared defaulters during the day, several of whom were chiefly caused by the fail- ure of one firm alone. -To day. the greatest agitation has prevailed—nineteen additional failures have occurred mostly in connexion with the foreign settlement, Consols have varied between 89 sot and are now 89 to 1. Indian Debentures haie likewise been adversely affected—the quotation being 6 to 5 discount.
Turkish Six per Cent Stock has vaned between 60 and 70 closing 65 70 —and the New Loan, 55 60. The, following prices will show the serious character of the panic—Sardinian from 82 has declined to 65 70, and the Victor Emmanuel Mortgage to 70 75, Mexican which but for the state of the markets would especially be 3 or 4 percent higher, has been forced down to 17 sellers closing 17 to 18.
Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per Cents are 80 to 85 „ Three per Cents „ 63 to 68 Buenos Ayres „ 70 to 80 Venezuela Active „ 36 to 40 , Deferred „ 15/ to 161
• Grenada Active 11 17 to 19
Spanish Stock has also been considerably depressed, the Three per Cents closing 38 to 40. The Railway Share Markets both English and Foreign have been equally
affected,. and quotations show a decline of from 1 to 5 per cent. The irrin- Kpal failures which have as yet taken place were in connexion with the ac- count of today. So heavy and difficult a settlement has not been recollected. Lombardo-Veneto • Shares have experienced a fall of 3 per cent since last Week, and French Shares generally are at considerably lower prices. • The OldiLombardo Shares are now 21 to 21 discount, and the New 3/ to 24 die. Caledonian Stock has declined to 341; Great Northern, 96 to 98 Great Western, 51 to 53; London and South-Western' 85 87. As was anticipated the Bank of England raised its minimum rate of interest to 31 per cent ; but this fact had at the time little effect on the markets. The Government Braker has been a purchaser, as usual, ever'', day, but only to the extent of ten thousand. The markets after official hours are all comparatively quiet.
SATonnAT Noon.
Business is alniost at a stand-still and prices throughout the House are Merely nominal. Console are 89 891. Turkish Six per Cents have been negotiated at 64 to 67. One other failure has been announced this morning. BANK OP ENGLAND. An Aecount , pursuantto the 7th and 9th Victoria, cap. 52, for the week ending on Viedneeday the 27th day of April 1839. 1551, D KKKKKK WM.
Notesissued £31,435,276 Gorernment Debt g11,015,100
Other Securities 3,139A m°
Gold Coin and Bullion 16,960,220 Silver Bullion £31,435,270
Government Securities(inclu- ding Dead WeightAnnuity).L 11,371.118
Other Securities 17,563.3e1 Notes 9,496813 Gold and Silver Coin 1.60,572 £39,053,336 £39,066,230
• Including Exchequer, Saring-Bants,CoramIssionersof National Debt, and Div. Acct.
Proprietors 'Capital g14,563,900 Bost 3,149,260 Public Deposits* 3,219,296
Other Deposits 15031 ,625
Seven Days and other Bilis 767,135