30 APRIL 1864, Page 1


rillIE week has been dull and bleak, with cold airs both physical and moral from the east. We have been reading the details of the slaughter at Diippel with the feelings of a man who reads the particulars of a murder that he might and ought to have prevented ; the dilatory Coliference has at length conferred without stopping the bloodshed, probably without any wish to do so °lithe part of the blood-shedders ; the Prussians have advanced in strong force into Jutland, and the Danes are preparing to abandon Alsen, which, now that Diippel is taken, is quite untenable ; Garibaldi has left the country, and the working classes are still angry, suspicious, and disappointed ; some dismal Shakespeare rites have been cele- brated in various parts of the country which would make Shake- speare shiver ; the House has debated drearily for the fiftieth time the possibility of a feasible compromise for the Maori and Church- rate questions, of which there was about as much chance as of a tenable solution for the Conference ; the Government has escaped by the respectable majority of thirty-four from being condemned as prize to the Tories for its conduct in the Tuscaloosa case ; and Lord Pahnerston has been laid up with the gout.