30 APRIL 1864, page 2

Garibaldi On Leaving England Published A Farewell...

in fact not only one of thanks but of exhortation. He exhorts England to lend her aid to the oppressed nations, and to adopt the principle of the " solidarity " of peoples.......

The Actors In London Proved Still More Clearly How Difficult

it is to enter rightly into the spirit of such an occasion, They had a dinner and speeches, and apparently a great deal of wine also, as the Record says that they said grace to......

On Monday Last Mr. Justice Crompton Charged The Grand Jury

of Middlesex with reference to an indictment which was expected to be preferred in the notorious case of the Rappahannock. It will be recollected that agents of the Confederate......

The Shakespeare Celebration At Stratford-on-avon Appears...

dull affair, the Earl of Carlisle making, as usual, a passable and highly ornate speech on what he called the toast of his life—" The Memory of Shakespeare." He denominated......

On Friday Week, Too Late For Our Last Issue, Mr.

Liddell made a very able speech on our relations with China, in moving a resolu- tion destined never to come to a division, as the House was counted out, "That further......

On Thursday Night Mr. Peacock Led An Assault On The

Govern- ment in the interest of the Confederates. A mess had been made . in the case of the Tuscaloosa at the Cape of Good Hope. The Tuscaloosa, formerly the Conrad, was a prize......

Of Course All The German Powers Have Fallen Into The

mood of congratulation on the great victory of Diippel. The King of Prussia told the soldiers the regret of his "soldierly heart" that he could not share their danger and their......

At Primrose Hill The Working Classes Made A Procession To

see Mr. Phelps plant an oak, which had been presented for the purpose by the Queen, and which was christened with water from the Avon, and called Shakespeare's Oak. Miss Eliza......