The editor of the Record is dissatisfied with our statement
last week that he is "unable to appreciate the meaning of his own assertiotis." As, however, he does not attempt to reconcile the denial in Which he persists with the passage which we extracted from his comments on Mr. Dicey's letter, and indeed never deigns to notice that passage at all, we are more than ever con- firmed in our conviction that he cannot appreciate the mean- ing of his own asset tions. As a Christian revenge, he de- nounces a theological article in our last number as blasphemous, attributing it coujecturally to Mr. Maurice. This breach of one of the courtesies of journalism makes it necessary for us to state that Mr. Maurice has never contributed a single theological remark to our pages except those contained in his own letters to the Spectator, which may be easily identified. We are not ashamed of having learned much from one whom we regard as by far the greatest theologian in the English Chdrch, but we have no doubt that he often differs very widely both from the substance and tone of our remarks.