30 APRIL 1927, Page 12


The great Bridge controversy between the disciples 01 American and British ways has grown to such a pitch that a rough census of opinion is being taken among players in all London clubs. The one point that is of general interest is the question of so-called "majority calling." Shall we adopt the American rule by which any call of three takes precedence of a call of two, and so on, or shall we cleave to the Portland Club rule that the value of the suit decides which call is the master ? The only figures in the census that I have seen suggest that the voting will be very nearly equal ; but it more than likely that before long we shall all come round to the American rule, not necessarily because it is better, hilt because Bridge . is the most international cif games, 811,1 majority calling is on the way to becoming universal across the Channel as well as across the Atlantic. It undoubtedly tend.; to simplification, and would certainly be welatned h31 beginners and the less mathematical ritiodS. one would regret the alluring call of two no trumps over three All" ; bat that is hardly an essential 'detail: The American nik certainly produces more bidding, and 11.).ictdinot is half the r" n of the game. W: BEAM TIfOlf