The Art Of Attaining High Health
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Silt, -I read with extreme delight the articleon "Time Art of Utairu„s--- High Health," by" C. A. E.," in which he describes he uses of......
Painless Early Rising
{To the Editor of the Selicriwron.] you allow - me a word of explanation in reply to E. J. S.? - The depression that follows the taking of stimulants occurs in the early morning......
The Truth About Porridge
[To The Editor of the Seweeron.] The Scotsman is so fine a type of physical and mental fitness because he is bred on North Country oats, owing to the happy accident that only......
. Familiar Misquotations
[To the Editor of The SeneT.ermej " 1). H.," in his pleasantly mordant article on lime above attributes " God tempers the wind to the shorn Iamb" to Sterne. Which, of course, is......
[to The Editor Of The Semet1'aurn.1 Sue-- Another Very...
misquotation from the Bible is "He who runs may read." Keble no doubt transposed the words on purpose, as he was referring to the Book of Nature, but the prophet Habakkuk wrote,......