Last Saturday Sarwat Pasha, who was Minister for Poreign Affairs
in the last Egyptian Cabinet, formed a hew Government. He was evidently very reluctant to dothis,but his scruples were overborne by his predecessor, Adly Pasha, by King Fuad and by Zaghlul Pasha. He is as much at the mercy of the huge Zaghlulist majority as svas Adly Pasha himself. Adly Pasha could not carry pa because of the atrocious persecution to which he was sabiected by the Zaghlulists, who would not refrain from wounding on every possible occasion the capable Liberal had .applied himself to trying to help them through. Zaghlul Pasha himself is an old man and has repeatedly declared that he will never take office again. But what a searching light is thrown upon the incompetence of the Wafd party ! These half-baked politicians and quidnuncs who follow Zaghlul cannot produce a passable Government themselves ; but so far from expressing any gratitude to those who try to save them, they make the lives of theso altruistic men intolerable. Perhaps they are now suffi- ciently alarmed to allow Sarwat Pasha to govern, but they received him very coolly when he made his first official appearance on Wednesday.