According to the latest news from India, the Nizam has
obtained a reprieve. A further day of grace has beemeonceded to him far the payment of his debt4ohOhe Anglo-Indiaiteavernment,.tand'ike territory of Berar is not toebe confiscated imniddiately. It is, how- ever, plainly intimated, that this istionly a.oencesston to appear._ anees, and that the-approptiation of;Eerar will be enforced by the Company at no distant date. Strong reclamations are beginning to be made against this measure, on the ground of the circum- stances under which the Nizam's debt to the Company was contracted ; and it is to be hoped that the attention of Par- liament will he early directed to this part of 'the case. But there is a still more important question to be considered. Any apparent harshness in the proposed confiscation is ex- tenuated on the plea of the utter anarchy into -which the mis- government of the Nizam has allowed his dominions to fall. But the appropriation of Berar by the Anglo-Indian Government would still leave him master of by far the greater part of his terri- tories; and would this remnant he more safe, or the peace of India better secured, by the mere transference of a rich district to Eng lieh rule ?