The Ever-lengthening List Of Dramatic Insignificance Has...
the production at the Olympic of a meagre melodrama, founded on an adventure in the life of the highwayman Claude DuvaL However, all the theatres are still thronged by the......
Of All Theatrical Entertainments, There Are None So...
mate as those that are based on the performance by young children of parts far beyond the degree of their mental and bodily development. In other artistical exhibitions there is......
Ittttro To T4t Ittitar.
THE ST. DAVID'S DIOCESE CORRESPONDENCE. Abergwili, Carmarthen, 27th August 1851. Sm—I must request you to correct an oversight into which you have fallen in your remarks on the......
Tkratrts Ant Usir.
The Opera season is over. Tuesday was the last subscription-night at Her Majesty's Theatre ; and, after filling up the week with extra per- formances at playhouse prices, Mr.......
Fa,thee Newman And Roman Iiystifica Tions.
SIR — With your permission, I resume the subject of Father Newman's bold claim to certain great names of the past, as more favourable to Rornanism than "the imperious force of......