Tuesday, August 26.
PARTNERSHIPS RISSOLVED.—G. and J. Honour jun. Tring, builders—Brawn and Oerton, Bushell, Staffordshire, lime-masters—Brown and Co. Liverpool; as far as regards J. Shipley—Browns and Bowen, Philadelphia ; Brown and Co. New York ; and Nicholson and Co. New Orleans ; as far as regards .1. Shipley.—Tregellas and Rilstone' St. Agnes, mercers—W. L. and C. S. Clarke, Bristol, attonues—Saville and Bulman,Sunderland, surgeons—Eatough and Heys, Preston, corn-merchants—Graf- ton and Co. Gibson and Ca. and the Hartlepool Coal Company, London. merchants ; as far as regards E. E. Goldsmid, It. Ward, J. Gregory, and J. 0. York, and York and Co. Boulogne—Foster and Co. Feuchurch Street, grocers—Hood and Co. Loughborough, lace-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Bird—Ward and Barrett, Epsom, surgeons—Price and Son, Leeds, surgeons—Crocker and Co. Coventry, straw--bonnet-manufacturers—Anderton and Bullen, Preston, plumbers—Stansfield and Buckley; Austerlands within Saddleworth, cotton-waste-dealers —Runeastle and Young, Sunderland, commission-agents. BANKIIIIPTS.—WILLIAm WOODS, Basingliall Street, warehouseman, to surrender Sept. 3, Oct. 8: solicitor, Sawbridge, Wood Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld- "NomAs WALtas jun. and SWAN WALms, Leeds, linen-drapers, Sept. 5,0ct.9: solicitor, Jones, Sise Lane; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street—CnAtinas Casts- TOPHER COSSACK GEART, Colchester, cheesemonger, Sept. 5, Oct. 9: solicitors, Lanett= and Langham, Bartlett's Buildings; official assignee, Whitmore, Basing- hall Street—Josnen EMMETT Noarost, Asylum Road, Old Kent Road, wine-merchant, Sept. 5, Oct. 9: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Cannan, Birchin Lane—JAMES WILDE, Salford, builder, Sept. 5, 28: solicitor, Dear- den, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. CEETIIICA.TES.-1b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of sneeting.—Sept. 18, Allmand, Wrexham, haberdasher—Sept. 18, Clipson, Chester, builder.
SCOTCH SEQUKSTIIATIONS.—Duncan M'Gillirray, Paisley, merchant, Aug. 28, Sept. 24—Rose, Dingwall, writer, Sept. 2, 18—Boyle, Musselburgh, dealer in shares, Aug. 28, Sept. 29—Fraser, Peebles, hotel-keeper, Aug. 29, Sept. 26.
Friday, August 29.
PARTNFAISHIPS DISSOLVED.—Nixon and Burton, Radford, Nottinghamshire, lace- manufacturers—Wells and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, iron-founders; as far as regards .1. Glaser—Jury and Bailey, Kingston, hotelkeepers —Tukes and Co. London, tea- dealers ; as far as regards S. Tuke—Coslett and Pemberton, Sedgley, cement-mer- chants—Hayward and Colycr, Dartford, attornies—Hulle and Co. Fencburch Street, merchants--Preston and Browne, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, attornies—Martiu and Co. Sheffield, silver-cutlers ; as far as regards J. A. Martin—Foster and Roper, Halifax, damask-manufacturers—Best and Simard, Huddersfield, tea-dealers —Farrar and Haley, Pudsey, Yorkshire, stonc-merchauts—Ekyn, Brothers, Change Alley, stock- brokers; as far as regards J. Ekyn—Lord and Whitehead, Rakewood, Rochdale, hardwaste-spinners—T. and P. Hays, Eccleston, stone-masons—Watkins and Va- then, Cardiff, brick-manufacturers—Round and Johnson, CI adley, Worcestershire, carriers—J. and E. Dobel, Canterbury, watch-makers—W. and T. W. Clough, Pon- tefract, attornies—Harris and Co. Fenchurch Street, .surgeons ; as far as regards W. F. Cleveland--Eldrid and Co. Fore Street, saddlers' ironmongers—Lee and Co. Not- tingham, smiths—Gill and Prior, Nottingham, druggists—Thomas and Co. Ebury Street, wine-merchants—Gladstone jun. and Co. Liverpool, iron-founders—Thomson and Pickles, Wheatley, Halifax, damask-makers—Hunters and Co. St. John's, New- foundland, and Bunter and Co. Greenock ; as far as regards G. Logan. BANEREPTS.—OWEN BOWEN and ALEXANDER Ginsox, Lower Mitcham, calico- printers, to surrender Sept. 13, Oct. 11: solicitors, Linklater and Linklater, Char- lotte Row ; official assignee, Pennell. Guildhall Chambers—James GRAHAM, Noble Street, warehouseman, Sept. 6, Oct. 11 : solicitors, Linklater and Linklater, Char- lotte Row ; official assignee. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—THOMAS WAKEFIELD, Cadogan Place, silk-mercer, Sept. 0, Oct. 11 : solicitor, James, St. Thomas Street, Southwark ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basiughall Street—JAMEM SAMOXL TURNER, Wooluich, surgeon, Sept. 5, Oct. 9 : solicitor, Cartier, Greenwich ; official assignee, Cannan, Birchin Lane—Aim:me ROBERT Pay, Mile End Road, chemist, Sept. 4, Oct. 10: solicitors, Jones and Betteley, Brunswick Square ; official assignee, Whit- more, Basinghall Street—Byway PHILLIPS, Milton Street, whalebone-manufacturer, Sept. 5, Oct. 9 : solicitor, Sawbridge, Wood Street; official assignee, Cannan, Bir- chin Lane—CHAntrs BAYL1FFE, Chippenham, Wiltshire, surgeon, Sept. 11, Oct. 7: solicitors, Goldney and Fellowes, Chippenham ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol— Jolts Tuom.ts, Shrewsbury, grocer, Sept. 9, 30: solicitors, blotteram and Co. Bir- mingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham. Cearnecants.—To be granted Maeda cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.— Sept. 20, Brown, Old Broad Street, auctioneer—Sept. 20, Barber, Cam- bridge, schoolmaster —Sept. 23, Ayres, Cardiff, grocer—Sept. 24, Owens, Enniscorthy, woollen-draper—Sept. 30, Collins and Rose, Aldermanbury, carpet-manufacturers. ScoTCII SEQUESTRATION.—MOChrie, Airdrie, grocer, Sept. 4, 30.