BIRTH& On the 12th April, at Red.River; Rupert Land, Hudson's
Bay, the Lady of Major Caldwell, of a son.
On the 5th August, at Gibraltar, the Wife of Captain Lynedoch Gardiner, Military Secretary, of a son, who survived his birth only a few hours. On the 21st, at St. Peter's, Northampton, the Hon. Mrs. De Sausmarez, of a son. On the 22d, at Wellesbourne, Stratford-on-Avon. the Lady Charles Paulet, of a son. On the 23J, at Hever Rectory, Kent, the Wife of the Bev. William Wilberforce Bettye, ,of aeon, On the 24th. at the Priory, Reigate, the Marchioness of Ailaa, of a.daughter. Olathe 24th; in Eaton Place, the Baroness Bertouch, of a son.
the.24th, at Bauchory Tertian, Eineamlineshire, the.Wife of Duncan David- son, Esq., of the Bombay Civil Service, of a.daughter. On the 25th, the Lady of the Hon, and Rev. Francis Clements, Vicar.of Norton, of ‘a stillborn child.
On the 27th, in Upper BrookStreet, the.Lady Sarah Lindsay, of a daughter. On the 28th, in Gloueeeter Terrace; Lady Northeote, of a daughter.
On the 26th June, at Dinapore. Bengal. Presidency, Benjamin Hallowell Boxer, Esq., Eightieth Regiment, son of Captain Edward Boxer, C.B., Royal Navy, to Frances Louisa Alston Stewart, of Urrara, in the county of Perth, daughter of the late William Alston Stewart, Esq., Captain• in the Bengal Army. On the 21st August, at Edinburgh, William Wilson, Esq., M.D., Florence, to Jeannette Elizabeth Wood, eldest daughter of Lord Wood, one of the Judges of the Court of Sessiou in Scotland.
On the 23d, at Best Cranmore, Henry William, eldest son of the Rev. Henry Hoskins, Prebendary of Wells and Hereford Cathedrals, and Hector of north Perron, to Jane Blanche Somerville, eldest daughter of John Moore-Paget, Eng., of Cranmore Hall, Somerset.
On the 25th, at St. Nicholas Church; Brighton, by the Rev. H. M. W'agner, Theodore.blartio, Esq., JameaStroet; Buckingham Gate, 0.8148s. Helen Faueit. On the 26th, at the parish-church of Farnham, Surrey-, by the-Reverend the Lord Charles Hervey, Incumbent of. Chesterford, Douglas. Galton, Lieutenant. Royal Engineers, second son J. 11. Calton, Esq., of Harker, Worcestershire, to Marianne, daughter of G. T. Nicholson, Esq., of Waverley Abbey, near ParnImm.
On the 26th, at Tunbridge, Kent, Arthur Henfrey, Esq., V.L.84 Stc., to Elizabeth Anne, eldest daughter oft he late Hon. Jabez Henry, First English- President of De- -merara, and Supreme Judge of the Ionian Island., lac. On the. 26th, at Fitaleworth, Sussex, the Rev. Charles Henry Hutchinson, Vicar of Westdean, Sussex, to Maria Elizabeth, second daughter of the Rey. Henry Latham, Vicar of Fittlewerth.
On the 28th; at St. Olive's, Old Jewry, Oliver Pemberton, Esq., F.R.C.S., of Eltr- mingham, youngest son of Thomas Pemberton, Esq., of Werstone, to Anna, only child of D. W. Harvey, Esq.
On the 30th May, at Labuan, Borneo, Catherine, Wife of Mr. Hugh Low, Secre- tary to the Government of Labuan. On the Drill-August, in Southampton Terrace. Kentish Town, John Hoppe, Esq. ; in his 84th year.
On the 21st, in Cambridge Terrace, Charles Boldero, Esq.; in his 95th year On the 22d, in Bernard Street, Russell Square, Sarah Ferguason, only daughter of the late Peter G. M'Donough, Esq.. of the Island of Antigua. On the 22d, at Langton Lodge, Yorkshire, Julia, Relict of the late Francis Red- team Esq., H.E.I.C.8.; in her 85th year. On the 23d, in Trevor Square, Knightsbridge. Elizabeth, Relict of the late George Whittingham, Esq. of Piccadilly ; in her 95th year.
On the 25th, at 13'roadstairs, Charles Lefevre, the infant son of Mr. and Lady Caro- line Gamier.
On the 26th, at the Grove, Watford, the infant daughter of the Earl and Countess of Clarendon. On the 27th, at Hyde, the Hon. Edward Stewart, fifth son of John, seventh Earl of Galloway,