30 AUGUST 1851, Page 9


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arrmuroox. The English Stock Market has been in a declining state during the whole week, but particularly so since yesterday morning, when the Bank Broker sold Stock largely. The depreciation in the price of Consols has been in the whole about I per cent. A trifling reaction occurred this afternoon, but the improved quotations then reached were not long maintained, and the mar- ket closes heavily within from 1 to 1 per cent of the lowest prices. Consols both for Money and Account have been today as low as 94 and after touch-

ing 961, close at 951 96. Unfounded rumours of several large mercantile failures have been current; but, with the exception of the failure of Messrs. Rucker on Monday, we are happy to say that we have no further commercial disasters to report. The sufferers by this failure, and that of Messrs. Cas- telli, noticed last week, are principally the large discount houses in Lombard Street ; who are too much interested in the steadiness of prices to press the produce upon which they have made advances prematurely upon the market. It is not therefore probable that any great fall in prices will occur. The rate of discount still continues at from 2j to 3 per cent. In the Foreign Market, prices have not been so extensively affected by the decline of the English Funds as usual. The Northern European Stocks have undergone scarcely any depreciation. Spanish Active Stock is about 1 per cent lower; as are the Three per Cent Bonds. Portuguese Four per Cents may be quoted at from 1 to 1 per cent below our last quotations ; while Mexican Shares declined in about the same degree. Sardinian Scrip has been as low as 11 discount, but closes at 1 discount. The aggregate busi- ness has been very trifling. The Share Market continued heavy until this afternoon, when an im- provement in some of the lines occurred. The decline during the early part of the week may be stated at from 21. to 31. for the principal Shares, and the reaction of this afternoon at from 108. to 11. per share. The market, how- ever, closes heavily at current quotations ; and it does not appear likely that the improved quotations will be supported. The French Shares are rather lower; but our market is kept steady by the demand for Paris. The differ- ence in price between the two capitals is not at present great, but upon any decline here French buyers almost invariably appear in the market. Some heavy sales were made recently, said to be on account of provincial holders : the effect produced was but temporary, as almost all the Shares offered were taken for the Paris market.


The English Market is firmer, the closing quotations of yesterday being fully supported. The business transacted has as yet been limited. In the Foreign Market prices are without any material change, and nothing has yet occurred requiring remark. The Railway Shares are not quite so firm as yesterday, prices being in some instances slightly lower; the following are the principal transactions—Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 41; Great Western, 751 ; North-western ex dividend, 113 ; Ditto Quarter-shares, 231; South-western, 78; Midland, 40; South-eastern, 191 1; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 161. SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK.

The English Stocks close not quite so firmly as in the morning, Consols for Account being 95/ 96: the business transacted has been unimportant. In the Foreign Market the transactions have been very limited, and no change of importance has occurred in prices. The following is the record of the bargains actually transacted—Mexican, 281 ; Peruvian, 91; Sardinian 59Scrip, Pr dia.; Spanish Three per Cents, 371; Dutch Two-and-a-quarter,

1 9 .

The1 Share Market has been heavy, but closes more firmly; an advance of 1/. has occurred in Lancashire and Yorkshire and in Midland Stock. The following are the principal transactions recorded—Ambergate, Nett:, and Boston, 41 ; Caledonian, 91; Chester and Holyhead, 141 1 ; Eastern Counties, 51 ; Great Northern, 151 ; Ditto Half-shares A Deferred, 51 ; Great Western, 751 5 1; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 47 61; Ditto Fifths, 2k ; Lon- don, Brighton, and South Coast, 901; London and North-western, 113 121 ex div. ; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 231 1 ex div. ; London and South- western, 78; Midland, 401 391 401 ; North British, 5} ; Oxford, Wor- cester, and Wolverhampton, 16151 16; South-eastern and Dover, 191; York and North Midland, 161 1; Leeds and Bradford, 100 991 ex div. ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 131 1 ; Midland Consolidated and Birmingham 6 per Cent, 131 301 ; Boulogne and Amiens, 101; East Indian, 21 ; Namur and Liege, 51; Rouen and Havre, 81 9; Tours and Nantes, 61 21; London and Westminster, 281.

3 per Cent Consols 951 96 Danish 3 per Cents

77 79

Ditto for Account 94; 96 Dutch 21 per Cents 593 per Cent Reduced 91 I Ditto 4 per Cents 92 31 per Cents 98 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 .. 28 Long Annuities f

Peruvian 6 per Cents 90 1

Bank Stock 214 16 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 311 21 Exchequer Bills 45 49 pin. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 86 89

India Stock Russian 5 per Cents 114 116

Brazilian 5 per Cents 89 91 Ditto 41 per Cents 1011 102 Belgian 41 per Cents 94 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 201 Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 37l 8 Danish 5 per Cents 1041 1051 Venezuela 30 2