IT would appear probable that the visit of the German Emperor to the Czar has not resulted in any fuller under- -standing between Germany and Russia. The Czar, it is asserted by some writers, has either had nothing fresh pro- posed to him, or else has declined to discuss anything that -may have been proposed to him, and the visit has ended in -mere compliments and decorations. On the other hand, a 'Times correspondent declares that the German Emperor is well satisfied with his visit, and that he intends to support the Czar in the line he takes towards Bulgaria. But nothing -certain is really known on the subject. There is a legend, which may or may not be true, that the German Emperor, taking part in the autumn manceuvres at the head of a Russian regiment of which he is Colonel, ordered some rash charge, was taken prisoner by the so-called "enemy," and was much annoyed by the failure of his manceuvre. However -that may be, the visit has ended, and the only thing we hear from Russia is that the Czar is likely to interfere seriously to abate the Armenian troubles, and to insist on restoring order himself if the Sultan will not or cannot control his own Kurdish subjects. And, for our parts, we think that Russia would, in that case, be quite justified in such a course.