30 AUGUST 1890, page 1

* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


A Great Demonstration Against The Roman Catholic Bishop...

Dr. O'Dwyer, was held in Limerick on Sunday, and addressed by Mr. Dillon and Mr. O'Brien. The occasion was, of course, Bishop O'Dwyer's reply to Mr. Dillon's violent attack in......

'the Boulangist Revelations In The Figaro Are Continued...

The Wednesday instalment describes a visit paid by General Boulanger, while in command of a French army orps at Clermont Ferrand, to Prince Jerome, then living in exile at......

To This Letter Mr. Dillon Rejoined By Another Violent Speech

at Clonmel on Tuesday, where he was presented with the freedom of the borough. He assailed the unfortunate tenants who had been so anxious to throw off the tyranny of the League......

Dr. O'dwyer Replied To This Violent Demonstration Against...

a temperate and very able letter to the Freeman's Journal, pointing out that he took ground against the "Plan of Campaign" and " Boycotting " long before the Papal Rescript......

News Of The Week

I T would appear probable that the visit of the German Emperor to the Czar has not resulted in any fuller under- -standing between Germany and Russia. The Czar, it is asserted......