Sin,—In the early part of the present year, there appeared in your columns a communication from Mr. W. Grey, in which he states that he had been informed on what he considered trustworthy evidence, that there existed in Mobile an organisa- tion called "The Society of Immaculates," designed to keep pure the Negro race, and from which were excluded all parties who were not pure Negroes.
I have made diligent inquiry regarding the existence of such a Society in Mobile, and have, moreover, called in the aid of our local newspaper, the Register. I find there is no such organisation in this section of Alabama, though a Society having such a name is to be found in the northern portion of the State. It has no such object as claimed by your corre- spondent, but is designed for purely benevolent objects.
If you imagine that the Negro race takes pride in a black skin, I think that you are in error Many of them, in looking forward to a future state, dwell upon the idea of "white robes" and "white skins." Even the blackest Negro wishes her photograph to be made as white as possible, and is disposed to refuse to pay for the negative if not white enough, or to sist upon another sitting.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Mobile, Ala., U.S.A., August 12114. Wm. E. MrcKLE.