30 AUGUST 1890, Page 18


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,-I am sorry to have to ask you to allow me to take up even a few lines of your space with so very small a matter as that referred to in the letter in the Spectator of August 16th. I gave no version of my own of the little story referred to, and therefore could not personally be "partial" to it, in the usual sense of the word, but merely spoke of it as quoted from wherever it was that I first met with it ; and I cannot in the least recollect now where that was, as it was several years ago. I have always been under the impression that " courteous" was a word that has reference to persons, and not to publications, and I can therefore see nothing of the contrary character in referring as I did to a publication the title of which I had never heard before, in the absence of any person's name attached to it. And the remark that the story had been " unearthed " made me naturally think that the publisher of it had spoken of it as if it had not been given to the world