The King, who is taking a yachting tour with the
Queen and Princess Victoria round the United Kingdom, paid what was practically a surprise visit to the Isle of Man on Monday. Landing at Ramsey at noon, the Royal party drove, vide Peel, where they picnicked al fresco at the ruins of Peel Castle, to Douglas, a distance of twenty-seven miles, returning by electric tram to Ramsey at 7 o' clock. Historic interest was lent to the occasion by the fact that no British King has landed on the island for many hundred years, and the King's reception was in all respects most enthusiastic. On Tuesday afternoon the Royal yacht reached Arran, where the King and Queen landed in Brodick Bay, and drove through the policies of the Hamilton Estate. The King, who has been favoured with magnificent weather on his cruise, is said to be in the best of health and spirits, and already "able to meet all the demands of ordinary outdoor recreation." On Thursday morning he went stag-hunting, and has since continued his cruise among the Western Isles.