The Twickenham. Peerage. By Richard Marsh. (methuen And...
is a really well-contrived and intricate story. Perhaps it would not `be correct to say that it is of the school of Gaboriau, because no detective figures in it, but it may with......
The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton. By Louis...
Fisher tinwin. 6s.)—Mr. Becke is seen to advantage in this collection of tales and " notes" (records of actual experiences and observation). The story from which the volume......
A BAYARD FROM BEM6A.L.* IT would be interesting to trace the literary cult of the Biboo to its origin. Probably the publication of the famous • A Bayard from Bengal. By P.......
The Courtship Of Sarah. By Sarah Tytler. (john Long. 6s.)
—This book has the rather tiresome fault of leaving the reader to infer the date at which the story is intended to take place. It is the clear right of the novel-reader to......
A Son Of Gad. By John A. Steuart. (hutchinson And
Co. (s.)—Mr. Steuart makes use of two subjects which attract, and very naturally attract, present-day sentiment. MacLean of Dunveagle—the pseudonyms are not constructed with as......
Honey. By Helen Mathers. (methuen And Co. Os.)—miss Helen...
always writes with a verve and " go " which make her readers forgive her much. But it must be confessed that her present book is not very satisfactory. The main motive is the......