NON - BRAHMIN PROTESTS FROM INDIA. WE have received the following telegrams from Madras :—
" The Editor, The `Spietator,' London.—Southern India Non-Brahmins resent Committee's high-handed refusal hear their representatives, deputed at great expense, while disproportionately numerous Brahmin and Pro-Brahmin agitators heard.—The President, South Indian Liberal Federation."
"The Editor, The `Spectator,' London.—Southern India NonBrahmins resent Parliamentary Committee's refusal of further Non-Brahmin evidence. Reform without communal representation will end in Brahmin oligarchy and tyranny, leading to trouble and turmoil, strife and faction. Mr. Montagu's attitude highly partial. Pray remember our war services.— NATESAN, Secretary, Madras Dravidian A ssociat ion."