The Exchange Problem.
(To THE Eerroa or rim " Secoreroa."l Sia,—For thirty years past, while our exchanges with 800,000,000 of Asiatios have followed the route of the Gadarene swine, the Spectator......
The Forest Of Dean Coal-mines. (to The Editor Op The "...
SIII, — Your correspondent blames the Government for the bad houses of the coal-miners in the Forest of Dean. He says that " Where the State is owner no improvements can be......
A Scottish Enabling Bill.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPLCIAT01."3 Suc,—The letter of Dr. G. Mitchell in your last issue must convey an entirely false impression to English readers. The Church with which the......
Nationalization And The Liquor Trade. Eto The Editor Or...
Six,—Mr. Batty's letter is an extraordinary mixture of analo gies. He, in the first instance, invites us to " try the experiment of substituting intoxicants where coal is......