Weirs pigeons and a green field.
Silently, gently aloof They sit, in a great coolness; Like snows perpetual high on the mountain So they, estranged from a boisterous world.
0 birds, like ships on a green sea, Some under full sail, puffed with the wind. Others in their sleek, bgautiful slimness, With sails all furled, riding at anchor 0 birds of snow and ice, 0 birds like ships, When your days of aloofness are over And you timidly flutter down, To rest like ships on green waters,
May I cool my heart and my hands in your snows—
In your snow and ice of aloofness, And shut your beautiful spear-like eyes, Ever serenely unseeing, unheeding The march of men in a boisterous world Whence all at last go out, The men and the birds and the ships, Go out into silence.
D. 11. WELLS.