30 AUGUST 1930, Page 2

India * * * *

The news from the Frontier Province in India is better.. The hostile lashkars have been melting away, chiefly. as the result of aerial bombardment ; the Mohmands who threatened trouble have not moved, and the Afridis are quiescent. The most active tribesmen keep themselves just within the borders of Afghanistan; Much regret is felt at the death of Captain Ashcroft who was treacherously killed when he had advanced in front of his men under an arrangement for a parley with a lashkar. It was characteristic of the tribesmen's fighting code that when Captain Ashcroft's men set upon the two murderers many of the tribesmen themselves helped them. Nothing could have been more thorough than the submission of the Massozai clan who readily submitted to all the terms imposed upon them at jirga. They said in excuse for their recent attacks that they had been misled and they implored the British Political Agent to inform the Viceroy that they would never again receive members of the Congress in their country.