30 AUGUST 1930, page 1

In A Way A Wise Psychological Attitude Towards The Dutch

demand in South Africa resembles what we take to be a wise psychological attitude towards India. There is no harm or risk in making a present of a truism conveyed in a formula......

What Does " Freedom " Mean ? Most People In

this country fancied that the question was answered at the last Imperial Conference in 1926 by Lord Balfour's famous formula about the equality of all the self- governing......

The Real Issue About Freedom Is Much More Likely To

appear when discussions arise on the practical qualifications of Dominion freedom which are necessary to enable the Empire to present a solid front and a coherent policy to the......

General Hertzog Admits That From His Point Of View The

question is academic. It hears no relation to facts or probabilities. Ever since 1926 thOUghts of secession have had no place in his mind. On the (Aker hand, he will not be able......

News Of The Week

General Hertzog and the Imperial Conference • THE pleasant shadows of the next Iniperial Conference lie upon us. General Hertzog, the Prime Minister: of South Africa, and Mr.......

Ildiyorial And Coblishinio Offices : 99 Gower Street,...

Subscription to the STECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annut* including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is TegSWITCGitsT-Newspaper. The Postage on this issue......