30 AUGUST 1930, Page 26

The Gravestones of Acadie, privately printed and obtainable from Bernard

Quaritch, Ltd., 11 Grafton Street, W. I,. for the price of three guineas, contains a most vet& collection of information. Mr. W. Inglis Morse has compiled this book to attempt " to explain certain details relating to Local History in Annapolis County, Nova Scotia." He includes a pkper on gravestones, illustrated by very good photographs, a delightful conversation between the author and the nigger gravedigger at Annapolis Royal, the Parish Records, &e. The get-up of the book is beautiful, including the paper and type ; but, on the whole, the book is of local rather than general interest, if one excepts such universally appealing quotations as the following epitaph :- " 18 years a maiden

1 year a wife I day a mother

Then I lost my life."

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