30 AUGUST 1930, Page 29

Arthur Briscoe is No. 23 of " Modem Masters of

Etching " (" The Studio " Ltd., 5s.) for which Mr. Malcolm C. Salaman so skilfully supplies the letterpress. The twelve plates chosen to represent Mr. Briscoe's art are all of sailors and the sea, and illustrate the variety of his experience. For the etcher is not only a foe artist ' • he is a practical seaman as well, who has gone down to the sea in ships often, and never goes wrong technically with a spar or a sheet. " I doubt," says his biographer here, " if lie could draw a sailing-ship with a single halyard out of place." "Man Overboard," " The Heaving Line," " Making Sail," are examples of the strenuous life of the sea, and on the other hand " The Peat Tjalk " is a contrast to the storm and stress of deep-sea work, and " James and John " a study of peace on a Dutch waterway. No aspect of the sailor-man's life is strange to Mr. Briscoe.

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