30 AUGUST 1930, Page 29

General Knowledge Questions

Ova weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Rev. W. E. J. Lindlield, The Parsonage, Foley Park, Kidderminster, for the following :

Questions on " Bed"

1. Who spoke slightingly of " gentlemen its England, now al sal," on the morning of a great battle ?

2. Who suggested the following question to those who lind themselves unwilling to rise in the morning " Was 1 made for this, to lay me down, and snake much of myself in a warns bed ? " ?

3. And who took a contrary view of the matter, and said " The sun has no purposes of ours to light us to. Why should we get up ? "

4. Of whom was it said : " The cock's shrill clarion, or the earning horn, No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed " ?

5. What nobleman took an •' air bath " in his room at 4 a.m. with the window open, " after which he went to bed again and slept two hours more " ?

0. Who had a bed specially made for him, by the orders of an emperor, consisting of "six hundred beds of the cut t. nun measure," and sewn together into four mat tresses ?

7. Who wrote : " The mystic glory swims away ; From off may bed the moonlight dies ; And closing eaves of weary eyes I sleep till dusk is dipt in gray." ?

8. Who was "heart exclaiming from the inner depths of ect. clothes, ' Thanks, villagers' ' ?

0. Who said that " lying late in the morning is a great shorn ner of life " ?

10. Who said that " the ancienta went to bed, like good boys, from seven to nine o'clock," and offered considerations in aupi.ort of his statement 1 11. To whom do the following lines refer : " Beside the bed, where parting life was laid,

And sorrow, guilt, and pain, boy turns dismay'd, The reverend champion stood ' ?

12. And of whom was it written :— •• . . . Guilt was my grim Chamberlain That lighted me to bed " ?

13. Of what ancient king is it said (probably in error) : " Behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron "

Answers will be found on page 206.