The Duke of Northumberland The Duke of Northumberland, whose death
we regret to record at the age of fifty, was politically a representative of an outlived age. But he could, and always did, state his case with all the intelligence of his family and with fearlessness and honesty. He was a " diehard " who had no faith in the League of Nations and all those new movements for the preservation of peace of which the League is the focus and emblem. As a great coalowner he frequently came into conflict with Labour, but the best proof of his frankness and his personal simplicity was that his hottest opponents liked and admired him. His evidence before the Coal Commission will be remembered for the clearness and courage with which he held to his argument. He had a particular contempt for the Coalition Government as such, and did his best to smash it. As a soldier he performed admirable service. In some of his writings before the War he predicted the exact course of the German attack which was to come in 1914.