30 AUGUST 1930, Page 32

Financial Notes


THERE is practically no change to note in the general t-odency. of Stock Markets. High-class investment stocks continue to benefit by easy money and the influence responsible for dullness elsewhere, namely, a lack of confidence. This lack of confidence is particularly noticeable in the market for English RailwaS, Stocks and, indeed, in all securities in any way affected by trade conditions. Moreover, the industrial and semi-speculative markets also continue to he affected by the influence of dull prices from Wall Street, and, in particular, the weakness of Oil shares during the

past week has been largely connected with the unexpected passing of the Shell Union dividend. In addition to the firmness of British Funds and kindred stocks, Australian securities have rallied in consequence of the latest develop. ment in the Australian crisis, to -which -I make special refer- ence in an article elsewhere.