Letters to the Editor
American China Policy Alfred Kohlberg The BBC's Russian Service Au heron Herbert,
Alan Hodge
The Liberal Creed Richard S. Wainwright Taper Daniel George, Rev, A. Eric Smith, T. E. Bean Australia Felix W. Mainwaring-Burton Economisis Leon Zeldin Plymouth Churches Derek Parker The Carlisle Pubs J. M. L. North The Oil Companies and Israel H. Pinner Cigarettes and Lung Cancer Duncan MacLeod,
Dr. A. Piney
A Sting in a Backwater Henri Thomas Civil Liberties Elizabeth. A. Allen W.I.5 ? West Indian King's Cross to Euston J. P. Berdsley
SIR,---Possibly unintentionally, the Spectator helped in the clarification of American China policy. 1 refer to the article by Richard Rovere, one of our recog- nised spokesmen for the ex-Communist Left, in your issue of June 21, 1957. Mr. Rovere says it is clear to everyone in Washington that Chiang Kai-shek is a pathetic figure whom we must abandon, that our policy will be one of Europe first, and President Eisenhower will willingly recognise Red China, accept it in the UN, and open the doors to trade.
Mr. Rovere was not alone in-this country in his mistaken anticipation of our China policy. Others of his view agreed until finally the chorus became so loud that the Secretary of State found it necessary, with the President's approval, to fly to San Francisco for a full-dress China policy speech on June 28 (one week after publication of Mr. Rovcre's article).
1 enclose a copy of Secretary Dullcs's speech. You will note he says we will not recognise, trade with, or approve the membership of Red China in the UN. The fact that we made the mistake of recog- nising the USSR in 1933 does not justify such a mistake in Red China's favour today. Furthermore, he says, we are hound by treaties to this position and by conscience as well. Further, he says, Com- munism is only a passing phase in China anyway.
As an American it seems to me that both you and Mr. Rovere should feel highly honoured to be answered so promptly, publicly and in such detail by the Secretary of State of the United States.—
Citizens' Foreign Relations Cdmmittee, 1 West 37th Street, New York 18, NY