30 AUGUST 1957, page 14

6 Lancaster Road, Wimbledon, Sw 19 The Liberal Creed

SIR,—Mr. Christopher Hollis tells us that 'the only chance of getting Liberal things done' is by exercis- ing persuasion on the other two parties. No doubt he has his own......


Sin,—I am loth to join in the Taper hunt, and he may be right in thinking that he was adapting Shelley when he wrote of the last Divisional Secre- tail/ being strangled in the......

The Bbc's Russian Service

SIR,—It is a notable fact that not one of the pundits whom either duty or inclination has rallied to the defence of the BBC's Russian Service has attempted to answer a vital......

Sir,—do , 1 Suffer From A Peculiar And Pitiable Blind-...

the finer points of modern journalism, or are there others too who find themselves increasingly irritated by the cheap, sneering style of comment upon Parliamentary......

Australia Felix

SIR,—Perhaps I may be allowed to point out that the article 'Australia Felix' by D. W. Brogan in your August 16 issue is somewhat misleading where the Sydney Harbour Bridge is......

Sir,—how Right You Are, When Stating In Your Thoughtful And

thought-provoking leading article (August 16) that 'the age of economists is dead.' Unfortunately, however, the economists themselves are apparently not yet aware that their......

Sir,—although I Vow Periodically Not To Endanger My Blood...

by again reading Taper : although his dialectic is frequently strangled by meretricious tricks of rhetoric: although time and again he appears to be a reincarnation of Don......

Sir,—mr. Hugh Seton-watson Suggests In Your Pages That...

Party should be rechristened in broadcasts to Russia in order to make it sound less 'outlandish' to Russian ears. Possibly the editor of your competition page will offer a prize......

Letters To The Editor

American China Policy Alfred Kohlberg The BBC's Russian Service Au heron Herbert, Alan Hodge The Liberal Creed Richard S. Wainwright Taper Daniel George, Rev, A. Eric Smith, T.......
