30 DECEMBER 1837, Page 6

A public meeting is to be held in Leeds early

next month, to petition Parliament for the Ballot and an extension of the Suffrage. A public meeting is to be held in Leeds early next month, to petition Parliament for the Ballot and an extension of the Suffrage.

Petitions in favour of the Ballot have been agreed to at Rochester. Chatham, and Maidstone ; and a meeting is to be held at Melton for the same purpose.

Captain Townsend, R.N., arrived at Tarnworth on Wednesday last, on a visit to his friends in that borough, whom he addressed on the oc- casion. The most sanguine results are entertained of the success of the petition against Captain A'Court's qualification, which, it is alleged, was made upon property of which the gallant Captain never bad received possession.—Birmingham .Journal. [If Sir Robert Peel can get a Tory Committee for his nominee, Captain A'Court's quali- fication will be found unexceptionable.] The Town-ball of Birmingham was crowded on Thursday, by an immense assembly of persons who met to pass resolutions against the Negro apprenticeship system in the West Indies. The chief speakers were Mr. Sturge and Mr. George Thompson.

At Leicester, the other day, several things were seized for rates and offered for sale by auction in the regular way ; but in that large place no buyers could be found. Even the friends of the tax so levied were ashamed to appear in public in its defence.—Birmingham Journal.