Progress Of Publication.
AFTER a long period of inactivity, the publishers have awakened from their torpor, and sent forth a number and variety of works, sudicient, so far as type goes, to furnish......
We Have A Faint Impression That Mrs. Child Is An
Americars economist, the delicacies of whose " Frugal Housewife r we had occasion to exhibit in a small way some years ago. In its nriginal state, her Family Nurse was most......
In Point Of Manner, Mr. Mnapnr's Popular Treatise On The
Teeth is somewhat empirical, but not at all in matter, unless it be in his recommendation of members of families learning to practice the simpler operations on one another. The......
The British And Foreign Aborigines Protection Society. —...
title of a new association, under the Presidency of Mr. BUXTON, the late M.P. for Weymouth, formed last spring by Dr. HonoxiNs. the very able physician, and a few other indivi-......
Mr. Smilas's Physical Education, Or The Nurture End...
Children, is a forcible little volume, with the useful aims of rendering parents careful as to the health of their offspring by means of attention to diet, exercise, and the......